
Perfect Temporary Shelter Solution for Commercial Industries

It offers more clear span, and are weatherproof, durable and portable. That makes them perfect for a wide range of commercial industries including:

Marine Painting and Sandblasting Containment -Since the fabric is durable, marine painting and sandblasting can be done year round. Also, the transparency of the fabric provides excellent natural light, allowing work to be done without any electrical lights.

Marine Industry - These can be wheel-mountable, which is perfect for marinas that service large ships or boats which needs to move structures around as the water level changes during the season or weather.

Boat slip covers - Perfect for both personal and business-owned boats, fabric structures can house one large boat to several boats at a public or private marina. The clear span tent allows boat slips more room per boat.

Warehousing and Storage - A fabric warehouse is perfect as a temporary warehouse. From construction equipment to agricultural products, a fabric structure will provide more space per square foot, costing the company less for warehousing and storage.

Construction - Since construction sites require temporary structures, this is the solution for storing heavy equipment, building materials and other inventories. Once the construction is over, this can be disassembled and reassembled at the next location.

Concrete Curing - When concrete is poured for a large construction site, it has to be covered from the elements so it can properly cure. A fabric structure is the perfect weatherproof solution, keeping the concrete safe from harsh weather no matter where the site is located.

Aircraft Hangars - From small private airports to NASA, these are the perfect solution for aircraft hangars. They also are used as temporary or permanent
Sports and Recreation - Many cities can't afford to budget for a brick-and-mortar or metal building at sports and recreation parks, but they can afford a fabric structure. They are the perfect solution for sports arenas, equestrian centers, and recreation centers.

Exhibition - Portability is key for fabric structures used as exhibition halls at fairs, parks, universities, race tracks and other venues. They can be left up year round or erected as a temporary structure. http://www.liri-structures.com/

