
How prepared is the tent rental company to respond to such a situation?

Your event structures play a big role in the success of your special event. Knowing critical information about your tent rental company and the way they do business can help you choose a company that is compatible with your expectations and meets your event requirements.

Customer Satisfaction: History is not perfect, but is often a reliable predictor of the future, and if past customers are pleased with the job the tent rental company you are considering has done, you are more likely to be satisfied as well.

Request a complete list of all the projects the company has completed in the last six months that are similar to the event you are planning. Consider the number of guests, type of event, type of structures (frame tents, high peak tents, clear span structures) and location type. Ask for the event planners' names and contact information. Call a significant number of these clients until you are comfortable with the responses you are receiving. Ask for specifics and take notes. You can review these later to identify recurring themes and issues.

Terms and Conditions: The agreement you will eventually sign with your tent rental company will be filled with terms and policies that you should fully understand and negotiate as part of your due diligence process. These legal points can have a significant impact on your final invoice and govern major aspects of the service provided by the company.

Cancellation Policy -- This will establish the obligations of the parties if an event is canceled and may differ based on the reason for the cancellation. Refunds generally vary based on the timing of the cancellation. It's reasonable to compensate a company if they have incurred costs associated with an event, even if it does not take place. Make sure you understand these terms and they appear reasonable relative to the costs the company is likely to incur.

Rental Period -- How is the tent rental period calculated and what can trigger unanticipated additional costs? It is often advantageous to begin construction several days before an event and sometimes circumstances prevent the timely removal of the structure. It is always good to have some cushion in the time elements of your rental agreement to allow for unforeseen circumstances. Negotiate sufficient safeguards in the rental period from unanticipated costs that are beyond your control.

Payment Terms -- It is a common industry practice to require a significant deposit at the time you book your event. This allows the company to reduce the risk associated with reserving your equipment and manpower. However, retaining a significant amount of the charges associated with the project until construction is completed helps reduce execution risk for the customer. A reasonable rental agreement should balance the needs of both parties based on the services and equipment that is being provided.

Damages -- There can be several items in the terms and conditions of a tent rental agreement that deal with responsibility for damages based on when they occur, how they happen and whose assets are damaged. This is a complicated issue and beyond the scope of this discussion but I strongly recommend that you involve your risk manager and/or insurance representative in this analysis to ensure there are no gaps in coverage that can leave you exposed to unnecessary liability.

Insurance -- Always request certificates of insurance for liability and workers compensation coverage and anything else you believe is necessary based on your event. Your risk manager or insurance representative can advise you on coverage limits but our opinion is that even the smallest events should be covered by no less than $1,000,000 of liability coverage and larger structures and events will require more.

Emergency Preparedness: Dealing with the unexpected is always a consideration when you are planning special events that are subject to weather fluctuations and accidents of all types. How prepared is the party tent rental company to respond to such a situation? Do they have sufficient manpower and equipment that can be deployed on short notice to respond to a crisis? Do they have a 24 hour emergency answering service to respond to customers issues? Ask them to explain their policies and resources so you understand their capabilities and make sure they include this in their rental agreement as part of their service guarantee.

